It is a common problem that many refugees have reached a decent level of the German language, but still there are barriers to effective communication when it comes to job research. This leads up to a lot of frustration because in many cases written German is too complex to be understood. Are there mediators that offer support?
asked Oct 5, 2016 in Work by WefugeesEvent | 960 views

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2 Answers

+7 votes

Workeer is Germany’s first job board that specifically targets refugees. The platform aims to create a suitable environment in which this specific group of people is brought together with employers that think positively about hiring them. WIth the help of employer and employee profiles, as well as job offerings in diverse sectors and locations within Germany, Workeer facilitates the first straightforward contact between refugees and employers

For example Workeer does not have mediators because our customers fill in the forms at home. But our forms are much easier to understand than the papers of the Arbeitsagentur. That way it is easier to find a job or an apprenticeship.

Find more information about workeer at https://workeer.de/.

Best regards
answered Oct 5, 2016 by DavidJ
+4 votes

 Arrivo does not help to fill in forms from the Jobcenter. But if you are having trouble with the tax-ID or to find the number of the social welfare than Arrivo can help you. Otherwise you can ask your employer to help or other organisations that specialized on assistance in those cases.

Find out more about Arrivo at ****://***.arrivo-berlin.de/.

answered Oct 11, 2016 by EmilyK
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