halo my name is salam.iam komming for syria . i finshed  my study als lawer in faculty of law in damascus. all that sinc 5 year s ago. i leved now in dortmund and my gustion is  how i can comblet my study in germany?
asked Sep 9, 2016 in Education by Shbat | 448 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Brief general informations by Federal Office for Migration and Refugees: ****://bit.ly/2co04ZJ
See very detailed informations about studying in Germany for people from abroad provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research here: ****://bit.ly/2cnXpzp
Special informations for refugees who want to study in Germany: ****://bit.ly/2cnXpzp
Extensive Informations for refugees who wish to study in Germany given by Euraxess Germany: ****://bit.ly/2co2qba

All information ressources above are in English.

From my point of view it makes sense to ask a course guidance to help you to find out which possibilities you have as a foreign expert of law. Contact persons for this can be found in special  job centers or in a university

Course guidance in Dortmund:
Job center Dortmund: ****://bit.ly/2co4OyL (German language)
Techical University (TU): ****://bit.ly/2co4y2P
University of Applied Sciences and Art: ****://bit.ly/2co3uvA
FOM University of Applied Sciences: ****://bit.ly/2co4z6H
International School of Management: ****://bit.ly/2co5jcf (Career center)

Kind regards, Jan
answered Sep 9, 2016 by Jan
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