
I'm tired of searching a room or a flat for one or two persons in Kaiserslautern. The problem is that I "must" leave the house I'm living now since it is for the "social office" and they sent me a letter that I must find a place !

  Is there any special websites for Kaiserslautern ?

P.s. Please note that I've checked the websites in the links below :(

Thank you,
asked Sep 3, 2016 in Home & Living by Rebiwar | 531 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes

did you try to contact ASZ Arbeits- und sozialpädagogisches Zentrum Kaiserslautern
Telefon: 0631 / 316 - 3631
Telefax: 0631/ 316 - 3620
Email: asyl@asz-kl.de

This is the coordination office for refugees who need living space in Kaiserslautern
(Source of information: ****://bit.ly/2c7MN7x)

Kind regards, Jan
answered Sep 5, 2016 by Jan
Thank you very much Jan for the useful links above. I'll contact them, hopefully, they will be able to help me..   Thank you
Good luck for your apartment-hunting!
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