Hello dear all,


Today my lawyer got positive letter from Bundesamt about my case.

I have few questions:

1. I want to move big cities like Berlin or Frankfurt. Frankfurt is my first choice. But I want to have one IT related ausbildung and after that want to establish a startups company. And for that Berlin is the best. So I am a bit confused. At the moment my question is: how can I move so quickly?

2. I have one son & my wife in my country. How can I bring them as soon as possible?

3. After getting positive what I have to do now? I mean what next?

4. Can anyone please help me to find a flat in Frankfurt or Berlin? Or how can I have one?

Best wishes for you,

asked Jul 28, 2016 in Home & Living by Don’t Know | 1,126 views

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1 Answer

+6 votes
Hi MoniLink,

greetings to Hasan and congretualtions for his positive result!

As you seem to be the virtual guide I kindly ask you to **** for Wefugee community postings to get an answer to questions 2 and 4. If someone has new informatins to add this will surely happen. For an up-to-date estimation concerning question 2 see ****://bit.ly/2aqnhp4 (German text).

To answer question 3 see information of "Netzwerk Berlin hilft", section 1 "Asylberechtigung" ****://bit.ly/2aql90U Detalied information about Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory Residence Act see ****://tinyurl.***/j4dr5rk. Maybe you had practical outcome of the positive answer of BAMF in mind, then tell us something about what you would like to do.

Concerning question 1 I would advise you to review your first choice. Frankfurt may be the beneficiary of Brexit, many financial institutions think about leaving London and will probably move to Frankfurt, subsequently cost of living and rental fees may rise in cost.

Kind regards, Jan
answered Jul 31, 2016 by Jan
Danke dir @jan
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