I Want free room from the biginning of August.
asked Jul 10, 2016 in Home & Living by walid121 | 651 views

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1 Answer

+4 votes

I used Wefugee's search and got these results for your question:

Evangelisches Jugend- und Fürsorgewerk: ****://bit.ly/29AKGqJ
WG-gesucht.de (you have to specify your search for Berlin): ****://bit.ly/29ALCLO
wohngemeinschaft.de (search for ‚Berlin‘): ****://bit.ly/29ALNXB
inBerlinWohnen: ****://bit.ly/29AMBvM
GESOBAU: ****://bit.ly/29AMKiv

I've checked all the URLs above, they are valid.

Regards, Jan
answered Jul 11, 2016 by Jan
Thank you so much
thanks Jan :)
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