have you ever heard of 'Syrvive'? See ****://bit.ly/29ems1E
Or 'Mygrade.net': ****://bit.ly/29emPcO
Another: Academic Experience Worldwide": ****://bit.ly/29encUF
Foreign Skills Approval (IHK Fosa): ****://bit.ly/29enpr4
Netzwerk 'Integration durch Qualifikation: ****://bit.ly/29enF9k (in English)
Not special, but useful: Workeer: ****://bit.ly/29emSW1
At last: Special information by BAMF: ****://bit.ly/29enU4d
Personal help: Hotline Working and Living in Germany - available from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CET, Monday through Friday, under the telephone number +49 30 1815-1111
Kind regards, Jan