I have started on-line study with Kiron university and I am unable to understand the credit points.
how many marks or percentage is needed to gain the mentioned credit points in the course and where can I see my total credit points?
thank you
asked Apr 24, 2016 in Education by bajwa | 985 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Hello Bajwa,

I work in Kiron Open Higher Education in the Student Support team. Thanks for your interest in Kiron. There is a study planner in the Kiron Campus platform, which you can see which courses are recommended and what modules you have to fulfill with descriptions on the time duration, level, and how many CP (Credit Points) you will receive for the entire module. Usually 60 ECTS credits equals 2 semesters of studying at a university full time (40 hours a week--including studying). In Kiron 1CP= 1ECTC so that you can have a better idea. When you finish a course, they will be displayed under completed courses, and you can count for yourself how many credits you have acquired. BUT we can't guarantee how many credits in the end will be recognized by the partner universities. We RECOMMEND finishing entire modules instead of individualized courses.

I want to point out that we have a very useful student handbook which you can find on the Kiron Campus platform under "Info & Help". I have copied a section that answers your question below:

"First of all: Once you are accepted at a partner university, a share of your general credits (CP) acquired at Kiron will turn into recognized credits (ECTS). We are working hard with our partner universities to get as many general credits turned into recognized credits, and we only offer those courses that have a good chance of becoming recognized, but at this point, we cannot guarantee which courses result in recognized credits.

Both CP and ECTS measure the workload of a course or a module. It is the unit to measure the time you have to invest to complete a course. Normally, 1 CP equals 25-30 hours of study. For each hour you spend “in class” (watching videos, taking quizzes etc.), you are expected to spend two hours revising after classes and preparing for future classes. You can use this knowledge in order to organise your courses.

How many CP are needed?
In general, we recommend our students to target 60CP of core curriculum courses, together with a voluntary preparatory semester and language courses, within 1-2 years of study at Kiron. However, the details depend on your educational background, the time and energy that you can invest and your personal ambitions. At any rate, you can expect to have recognized at least 50% of the CP obtained within Kiron’s core curriculum.

Note: Aiming for this CP work load means being a full-time student (40 hours per week). This way you will be able to apply to a partner university within 2 years and with 60 general credits. If you already know that you will not have the time to study around 40 hours a week, you can reduce your CP load and study part-time, such as 30 or 20 hours per week. You can also apply with less credits.

Kind regards,

Kiron Student Support

answered Oct 19, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
0 votes
Hello Bajwa!

Unfortunately I don´t know where you can check your credit points, but credit points will be given after the course is completed. Are you in your first semester with Kiron?

We have a couple of community members from Kiron here who will be able to answer your question directly. In the meantime, you could also send an email to student-support@kiron.ngo
answered Apr 25, 2016 by julia.d
0 votes
Hello Bajwa,

I work in Kiron Open Higher Education in the Student Support team. I suggest going on the Kiron Student Forum (forum.kiron.ngo/) and read what other students have posted/ask questions there as well. There are already many discussions of students asking similar questions.  There you can interact with other students from your study track. Many of your questions have already been answered, and there are great comments for you to read.

Kind regards,

Kiron Student Support

answered Nov 11, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
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