For the new rbb television channel series “Auf Augenhöhe” (on an equal footing), we’re searching for people with a refugee background as well as locals in Berlin and Brandenburg. Per episode – one filming day - a refugee and a local meet for the first time and spend a day together. We always bring people together who have common interests, talents or any kind of other connection. The aim is to boost the dialogue and to engage with each other, exchange ideas, maybe even learn from each other and especially to meet each other on an equal footing. Good knowledge of English would be an asset, but not essential. Everybody is welcome to apply! We **** forward to applications with a photo as well as your name, age and telephone number by e-mail to casting(AT)sallymuslehjaber(DOT)*** For further information and to see the first episode (aired on the 2nd of January 2016), please visit: ****://tinyurl.***/rbb-aa #documentary #series #tv #locals #refugees #interests #rbb #connecting #exchange #inclusion
asked Jan 19, 2016 in Activities by Sally J. | 8,801 views
Looks like an occasion to "boost" a diaglogue - well, let's see in which way this tv production intends to contribute to a better understanding of each other. Let's keep an eye on this.

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3 Answers

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Best answer
Looks like very nice and interesting event!
answered Jan 21, 2016 by Don’t Know
+1 vote
Dear community,
I would like to share with you the second episode of 'Auf Augenhöhe', which was aired last Saturday (06.02) on rbb:


I'm still searching for people who are interested in participating for the coming episodes - specifically people who work with wood (carpenters for example).

Have a great week!
answered Feb 8, 2016 by Sally J.
0 votes
Hi Sally, link is broken. 'Fehler 404'. I am a journalist, can I take part?

Best regards,

answered Feb 8, 2016 by Don’t Know
Hi Moni, thanks for the warning! I've updated the link. It works now :)
I'm actually considering working with journalists in one episode. Could you please send me an email with some information about you? Much appreciated!
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