Hi everybody! I just moved into an apartment along with another refugees, does anyone know how can we get internet in the apartment?

asked Dec 10, 2015 in Home & Living by Hayessa | 1,311 views
just visit the vodafone or O2 shop they will give further info

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4 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Hayessa,

the 'Freifunk'-Project can probably help you: ****://tinyurl.***/njw28gy

Regards, Jan
answered Dec 10, 2015 by Jan
Danke Jan! I will contact them and see how it works
+1 vote
Otherwise you have to choose a provider of your living area or some of the germany-wide provider like 1&1, Base,Kongstar,gmx,freenet..... search for "Internetanbieter"
answered Dec 16, 2015 by Joschi
Danke :)
+1 vote
The easiest way might be to go to a Vodafone or Telecom shop. Depending on how good your German is, you can also do everything online. Search for "internetanbieter, preisvergleich". That way you will find out what companies provide your region for which price. You should have a telephone outlet in your apartment where to connect your router. You might not want to get a long term contract if you don't know how long you're gonna stay there. Most services need a bank account. I hope this helps.
answered Dec 17, 2015 by Janette
Danke :)
+1 vote

i will have Vodafone DSL in 10 days

you can go to Vodafone (or any company) with your BUMA and your address and ask for one.

but you must have a bank account

good luck  
answered Dec 17, 2015 by SAFi
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