I would like to leave the camp and move somewhere else. But I want to make sure that if I can do this legally. Also if there comes a point when I can't afford living on my own anymore, can I go back to camp?

Thanks a lot
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Legal advice by Yamal | 1,120 views
Hello Yamal,

you have to wait in the camp for the so-called "Transfer". Then you will be send to another city and there you normally get an appartment or something else.

Where are you now and since when you are in germany?

Kind regards
Hallo Susanne, I'm living in Frankfurt Oder and I arrived in September, I was also living in another camp before in Düsseldorf. Thank you

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So you really need to wait for the so-called "Transfer" from the camp to a new home.
answered Nov 30, 2015 by Susanne
Thank you for your answer, i hope it happens soon
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