If I took a one-year residency, can I have a job note that I am not a refugee
How the residency determine  the work and numbers of hours worked
asked Nov 19, 2015 in Work by Gcd | 1,073 views
We would need more details about you circumstances, what kind of visa do you have? if you are not a refugee, are we talking about a student visa? Please just give us a little bit more information so that we can give you the right answer. :)
I really don't know :(
Not student am sure,,
I got a sponsor from a German man and then I took the visa from the embassy
That is my question,, how I know the kind??  How I know if it allowed to work with it

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2 Answers

0 votes
Try asking  ****://lawcliniccologne.***/  there might be help. The Refugee Law Clinic is a project conducted by law students from Cologne which supports migrants, in particular refugees and asylum seekers. We offer free legal and non-legal advice and other support, for example we can accompany and give guidance to our clients when attending appointments at the border agency. We collaborate with qualified lawyers and other charities. If we can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to attend our clinic, send us an email (at info@lawcliniccologne.***) or call us at 0175/7622873.
answered Dec 16, 2015 by Joschi
0 votes
Gcd, what does it say on your visa next to "Anmerkungen" and "Art des Titels" ?
answered Apr 26, 2016 by julia.d
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