I went to Müller to buy some items. After selecting a few, I went to the makeup section to try on some products and eventually picked a lip gloss I liked. However, the sample color was different from the one I chose, so I removed the lip gloss from its packaging to test it. While doing this, I held onto the empty packaging and some wipes I had used on my face while trying out other makeup.
Next, I moved to the perfume section, used some testers to try different fragrances, and eventually disposed of the testers, dirty wipes, and the lip gloss packaging in the trash. Unfortunately, I completely forgot that I had included the lip gloss packaging among the discarded items.
I then proceeded to the counter to pay for the items I was holding, excluding the lip gloss. I had inadvertently placed the lip gloss in my jacket pocket earlier when I retrieved my phone and didn’t think about it again. After paying for the other items, I attempted to leave the store, but the alarm went off.
A sales representative stopped me, speaking in German, which I didn’t understand. She mentioned “Dior,” referring to the brand of the lip gloss. As we walked back to the makeup section, she said "Nein," which prompted me to remember that I had trashed the lip gloss packaging. I immediately showed her where I had disposed of it. She then asked me to follow her to the back office, which I did.
In the office, she called a colleague who spoke English to help translate. The representative accused me of stealing the item and deceiving her when she initially asked about it. I explained to the colleague that I hadn’t understood her earlier and only recalled the lip gloss when she mentioned the brand. I clarified that I had mistakenly placed the lip gloss in my jacket pocket and had every intention of paying for it. I apologized for the oversight and offered to pay for the item immediately, explaining that it was a silly mistake.
However, they informed me that this was considered a criminal offense. I was required to pay a 75-euro fine to the store, in addition to the 46-euro cost of the lip gloss. They contacted the police and filled out a report with their version of the incident. I noticed that the report included a statement saying I had admitted to stealing, which wasn’t true. I had only acknowledged my mistake and agreed to pay the fine as instructed.
They also issued me a two-year ban from shopping at the store. I signed a form acknowledging this and was told that the police would invite me to provide my version of the events.
This was my first experience with anything like this in the 11 months I’ve lived here, and I feel terrible about the situation. It was an honest mistake, and I’m worried about how it will play out when I hear from the police.
Any suggestions on how to handle this?