asked Jan 21 in Asylum proceedings by Joy Asemota | 172 views
Can I apply for residence resident permit again
 after been  deported eight years ago to italy

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Dear Joy Asemota,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question (a similar one was discussed i.e. here a while ago).

Asyl.net is providing reliable information:

"A person who has been expelled, deported or deported from Germany or against whom a deportation order has been issued in accordance with Section 58a is initially no longer allowed to enter or stay here for a certain period of time. For this purpose, an entry and residence ban is ordered (see Section 11 Residence Act).

The authority responsible for issuing the entry and stay ban determines how long the entry and stay ban should last. As a rule, it may not exceed five years. Personal circumstances, such as age or family situation, can play a role here. However, if a person has been expelled due to a criminal conviction or if they pose a serious threat to public safety and order, the re-entry period can be up to ten years.

If a re-entry ban comes into force due to (compulsory) departure, the person concerned will be entered in the police information system INPOL, in the Central Register of Foreigners and, under certain circumstances, in the Schengen Information System (SIS). If you re-enter despite the ban, entry can be refused at the border. If you stay in Germany illegally, you may face criminal consequences.

However, it is possible to have entry and stay bans lifted or shortened under certain circumstances. The responsibility for issuing, limiting and also lifting an entry and residence ban depends on the context in which the ban is issued. If the ban is issued in a decision on an asylum application, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is responsible."

I would like to add that it is possible that you will have to pay the costs incurred during your deportation.

I hope this information is helpfull for you and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 28 by Meike
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