Please l will like to find out if I can take away the sorgerecht l gave to my ex husband back. And if not, what l can do.
Since he has no interest in the upbringing of our children. Everything is on me and he doesn't want to do anything to help me. Unfortunately I gave him 50 % when our 1st child was born so that he can process his residence permit. But he was given Duldung and doing his B1.
He doesn't do anything and so l don't want to give him that 50% with our second child. He lives just 3 stops in the area and doesn't even bother to call and find out how the kids are doing. He doesn't visit regularly, doesn't buy anything for the kids because they charge him unterhalt and doesn't even pick up the elder from kindergarten.

 Two weeks ago he came to threatened me that he will kill me and my other two children that are not his. I have reported him to the police and to judgement.

Honestly I don't want anything to do with him at all and l don't see any contribution he is making towards the children upbringing. Based on these, can I take away the 50% sorgerecht?
asked Nov 13 in Legal advice by Lydia | 313 views

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Hi. I am sorry you're going through this. I am in the same situation but l was lucky l didn't make sorgerecht. You can't reclaim the 50% from the 1st kid unless you seek legal route via the courts. You need to have valid reasons and judgement will be make a decision based on the child's best interest. Don't give him the sorgerecht of the 2nd child. This man will come back begging you. Karma will visit him.  Build your life with your kids and leave him alone.

l have full custody of my child because the man denied the pregnancy, it took several months to make DNA test, can you imagine he had to do it because the courts had intervened. Till today he doesn't care nor want to see the child. l learnt my lesson. I am forever grateful to Jugendamt and Amtsgericht for helping me. l clearly say justice was made and l am happy.
answered Nov 20 by Simi
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