I am living in Germany and have received visa under §104C last year and now I want to convert this visa on spouse basis, my wife is German national. We have recognized our marriage according to German law and German marriage certificate. We have one child. Is it possible to convert my 104c visa on the behalf of my wife? If it is possible then how much it will take the time for this process? please answer my questions. Bundle of thanks

asked Jun 4 in Other Questions by Wasim Ahmad | 464 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi @Wasim Ahmad

Yes, you can change from the permit 104c to a permit 28 for family members of German citizens. The 28 refers to the paragraph of the immigration law which covers this (Aufenthaltsgesetz). How long it will take depends on the particular case load at your local Ausländerbehörde and whether they will need to ask for additional documentation after you submit your application. It is not possible to give a specific period of time for how long it will take.



answered Jun 14 by mbeon-Éanna
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