Dear @Jessica27,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.
First of all, the question whether you may cancel your asylum procedure or not should be carefully discussed with a lawyer. For a first analysis of your individual situation you can contact a refugee/migration counselling office as well.
The possibility to change to a residence permit for work purposes (according to paragraph 18a/b or 19c section 2) is very limited and many criteria have to be met. Handbook Germany writes:
"With the new Skilled Immigration Act, the opportunity for "Spurwechsels" or “changing lanes” has been introduced too– it allows individuals in the asylum procedure to switch into a residence permit for skilled workers (according to Sections 18a, 18b or Section 19c Para. 2 Residence Act). However, this option only affects people who entered Germany before March 29, 2023, to seek protection and have applied for asylum, as well as their spouses and minor children (according to Section 10, Paragraph 3 Sentence 4 Residence Act). In the future, people who meet these criteria will be able to withdraw their asylum application and instead apply for a residence permit as a skilled worker.
Please note: You should first check what chances of success your asylum procedure has. A successful case can have significant advantages for you. For instance, your stay would not be tied to a job - unlike a stay as a skilled worker. You also have to clarify whether you can actually work as a skilled worker, because foreign qualifications are generally not easily recognised in Germany. You can find out how the recognition of qualifications works in our chapter “Recognition of foreign qualifications”.
You must also note that you cannot receive a residence permit as a skilled worker during the asylum procedure; you can only do so after it. So before you make such a far-reaching decision, be sure to seek expert advice."
Handbook Germany also provide a good overview on the residence permit for vocational training after your asylum application got rejected. Please see this page for more information.
I hope this helps and all the best,