Greetings dear friends, I received Duldung, and i received Ausbildung as Fachinformatiker fur Systemanwendung Entwickler, can I ask for Aufenthaltstitel paragraph 16G, if i received it, can travel to iran because i had rhinoplasty it needs review i am originally from iraq
asked May 29, 2024 in Education by Anone | 729 views

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Dear @Dr.aka,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question about the recently introduced residence permit for vocational training (according to §16g of the German Residence Act).

Handbook Germany just published information on this type of residence permit in various languages which give a good overview.

They state:

You can obtain a residence permit for vocational training if you have been in Germany:

  • or are an asylum seeker, and your asylum application was rejected during your vocational training,

And also:

  • you started qualified vocational training in a state-recognised or similarly regulated vocational training, 


  • you started training for an assistant or helper position (“Assistenz- oder Helfer*innenausbildung”) in a state-recognised or similarly regulated training programme and then started professional vocational training (“Berufsausbildung”).

Please follow the above posted link for more details.

This residence permit also allows you to travel abroad - of yourse you need to comply with the visa regulations of the respective country (in your case Iran).

I hope this helps and all the best,


answered Jun 5, 2024 by Meike
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