Hi @maribel999
I am afraid your question is not clear, in particular this part:
My question is, can I apply for Ausbildungsduldung/or the new permit that lets you have a residence permit, if I am doing a minijob/teilzeit arbeit on the field I made my Ausbildung in?
The Ausbildungsduldung and the new permit 16g is only for the time while doing an Ausbildung. If you are doing a ‘schulische Ausbilsdung’ at the Berufskolleg, then you can apply for either the Ausbildungsduldung or residence permit 16g.
A ‘duales Studium’, in which you both study and do an Ausbildung, entitles you to have either an Ausbildungsduld or the permit 16g.
Have you done an Ausbildung already? If so, then you can apply for the residence permit 19d. It can be a part-time job, as long as you earn enough to cover your living costs.