Hello, as I near the end of my Ausbildung, it seems my company won’t be keeping me due to the economic crisis. Instead of job searching in my current city, I plan to move to another Bundesland where my relatives are. Am I allowed to do this? Additionally, after successfully finishing the Ausbildung, I understand I must register with the Bundesagentur für ArbeitShould I register in my current city or the city I plan to move to? What is the procedure considering I hold a Niederlassungerlaubnis?

asked Mar 28, 2024 in Home & Living by Lv777 | 1,119 views

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1 Answer

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Changing city depending on you  residence permits. If you have aufenthalgedtitel or better one you can change city anytime. If you have Duldung or aufenthaltgestatung ypu can't change city easily. Better to find another employer near by area. Contact your berufkollege social hilfe.they can help you
answered Apr 15, 2024 by Coop
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