Hi @Malcolm
She is entitled to live in Braunschweig as she is able to support herself financially through work. The law is clear on this.
It is not clear from your question what exactly she did ‘to change her address’. It is not just a case of informing the Ausländerbehörde you have an address somewhere else. She needs to make a written application for the removal of the obligation to live in Gifhorn. This application is made with the ‘Landesaufnahmebehörde Niedersachsen’. Here are their contact details:
This application is called ‘Antrag auf Aufhebung der Wohnsitzauflage‘. If she has not already done so, she should make this application with a copy of her work contract and payslips.
The relevant law to refer to is paragraph 60, section 1 of the law on asylum (Asylgesetz):
Only asylum applicants whose livelihoods are not secure can be obliged to live in a certain place.
Also important to reference in the application are directions made by the Interior Ministry in Niedersachsen about such cases. It makes clear that the authority has to remove the residency obligation if a person earns enough:
Soweit vorher eine Wohnsitzauflage nach § 60 Abs. 1 Satz 1 AsylG an dem in der Verteil-
und Zuweisungsentscheidung nach § 50 Abs. 4 AsylG genannten Ort (Bezirk der Auslän-
derbehörde) verfügt wurde, ist diese von der zuständigen Landesaufnahmebehörde Nieder-
sachsen (LAB NI) aufzuheben.
The document can be found here: 2024-01-22 Hinweise zum Umgang mit Wohnsitzauflagen nach § 60 Abs.1 AsylG - Download (PDF)
I recommend she refers to this document in her application.