Dear @Ajawo96,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.
When asylum seekers appeal against a BAMF decision, the waiting time for the respective court decisions varies significantly across Germany's federal states and regions and of course from case to case as well. The government is constantly trying to speed up the process and implements new measures and laws (experts doubt, however, that the currently planned measures will actually have an effect).
In 2022, the wating period was around 19 months in Berlin (and around 1-2 months for people who submitted an "Eilantrag"/urgent appeal, i.e. when rejected "obviously unfounded" by the BAMF). For 2023, I could not find specific data for Berlin yet. According to this article, however, the waiting period declines generally in Germany (on average).
Maybe my colleagues or other community members can add more to my findings.
In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.
All the best,