as per current news from Einbürgurung test takes approximately 5 months for results instead of 4-6 weeks. I did my test 1 month before. Is there any way to inform above matter to Auslanderbehörde and submit for 25B paragraph. Moreover I have 2 yeras Berufschule certificate. 3rd year still going on. Because Berufschule I had Politics as subject do I required Eibütgurung test results? Please help me
asked Jul 5, 2023 in Home & Living by Coop | 2,469 views
@Coop i also applied for paragraph 25B abs 1, the man from ausländerbehörde has approved to give me because i am qualified but he need only Einbürgerung test or leben in deutschland.. so do u mean the result take up to 5 months to get it? I will be writing it next month
Hi Felise did you apply with kids or without kods. For me it took 2 months for Einbürgerung test Appointment. After test up to 5 months for results. Very slow process
@Coop okay , the man that works in ausländerbehörde knows already that I have two kids , though without kids , i am still qualify because i will be 7 years in deutschland this year ...... though the man and his boss has said yes to grant me but they need only the Einbürgerung certificate... I do heard that some people get their results, maybe 2 months or 2 weeks
@Coop 5 months is long though ...

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2 Answers

0 votes
I got letter from VHS. They said currently results will take up to 5 months
answered Jul 5, 2023 by Coop
0 votes
So far i understood from the website of BAMF that, if you have done a integration course financed by BAMF it may take almost five months to get your results of Leben in Deutschland or Einbürgerung test.

In contrast, if you are a external examinee aka no integration course from BAMF they will send your result within few weeks.
answered Feb 23, 2024 by helios
It took 3 months for me
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