Hello wefugee Team

Im back again and now i have a question if im allowed to apply for Niederlassungserlaubnis during Elternzeit. I have all requirements exept Lohnabrechnung for obviously im on Elternzeit until Oct. And idk if Einbürgerungzertifikat will be accepted for Niederlassungserlaubnis. Im actually candidate for Einbürgerung but im waiting for that new law to be passed( well hopefully) bcoz i dnt want to give up my citizenship. I what i know Einbürgerung take more than 1 year the same with Niederlassungserlaubnis to be approved.
And one more Question do i need to wait for my current befristete Aufenthalt to be expired before i apply for Niederlassung or Einbürgerung? Thanks in Advance
asked Jun 15, 2023 in Legal advice by Jj061987 | 540 views

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Dear @JJ061987,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I remember that we discussed one of your earlier questions here which was very similar, right? In accordance with my previous answer I believe that you can apply for a permanent settlement (Niederlassungserlaubnis) while you are in "Elternzeit" as you will return to your job after a few months and secure your livelihood with Elterngeld and Kindergeld in the meantime, am I correct?

The "Einbürgerungstest" (exam for the naturalization) contains almost the same questions as the so-called "Leben in Deutschland" exam (which is the most common certificate to prove the required "basic knowledge of the legal and social system and living conditions in Germany"). Therefore, the immigration office should accept this as well. However, I learned about some cases in which the civil servants at the immigration office were persistently asking for the "Leben in Deutschland" test. I recommend to give it a try nevertheless. Regarding your last question: No, you don't have to wait until your temporary residence permit expires before applying for the permanent one.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jun 17, 2023 by Meike
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