I  just got subsidiari protection in Romania, can I come work in Germany, or change my statue here or in Germany to a worker permit?

can I get a work visa from Romania? and would I need my national passport or the protection passport?
asked Apr 7, 2023 in Work by Rdlight | 859 views

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2 Answers

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Dear @Rdlight,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

In general, you are not allowed to work in Germany unless you receive the respective working visa. You can apply for it at the German embassy in Romania. I found this "Visa Navigator" which gives a good overview on the requirements for the different types of visas.

However, you are allowed to travel to Germany without a visa for up to 90 days - this also gives you the chance to apply at companies, to go to job interviews etc. in case you need to present a work contract for the visa application already.

I am not sure whether the German embassy will require a national passport (I never came across this issue). I assume that it might be dependant on the individual circumstances (i.e. if you can prove that it is not possible for you to obtain a national passport, your identity is clarified nevertheless etc.). But I will link my colleagues dear @mbeon-fardeen and @mbeon-Christine here as well - maybe they can share more information/any experience.

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Apr 9, 2023 by Meike
Hello and thank you very much for the reply

There's a thing I need to add please, that Romania is not in the Schengen area, so does the subsidiary protection travel document allows me to enter the Schengen area without a visa?

and thank you in advance
@Meike i would like to know something, if one doesn't have leben in Deutschland certificate, will they still grant him paragraph 25B abs 1.s1?? I have A2 certificate, almost 7years in Deutschland, unlimited work contract and valid passport, no criminal case but i don't have leben in Deutschland certificate.
0 votes

Dear @Rdlight,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community.

With a Subsidiary Protection from Romania you are not allowed to come for working to Germany. You can only come to Germany for working in this country, if you have an EU Permanent Residence Permit, which in Romanian it is called rezident pe termen lung - CE. Or if you get the nationality of Romanian, you can also come for working to Germany. With your current protection, you must have a residence permit and a passport (your national passport/any other passport Romanian may provide to you), so that you can get a visa and come to Germany.

For getting a visa of Germany, you can refer to the German embassy in Romanian. With a visa from that country, while having this type of protection, you are only allowed to stay in Germany up to 90 days, but you are not allowed to work in this country.

I hope, you have got your answer. I am a MBEON consultant. If you wish to contact me directly, you can see my profile and follow the instructions there.

Best wishes

Fardeen Noori

answered Apr 11, 2023 by mbeon-fardeen
Thank you Mr. Noori for your answer, I appreciate your efforts.
I'll contat you directly on the WBEON platform.
@mbeon-fardeen i would like to know something, if one doesn't have leben in Deutschland certificate, will they still grant him paragraph 25B abs 1.s1?? I have A2 certificate, almost 7years in Deutschland, unlimited work contract and valid passport, no criminal case but i don't have leben in Deutschland certificate.
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