Dear Wefugees Community,

I am 23 year old university student with a Duldung since beginning of 2020 due to rejected asylum. I am now getting residence permit 25a after I was contacted by the Auslanderbehoerde to apply for it. This was at the end of November 2022. I sent all the forms and documents at the beginning of December. I received an appointment to give a biometric photo, fingerprints and signature on the 5th of January, which I did. I asked on that day when I will receive the permit they said after you renew your passport. Then at the 26th of January I received my passport to renew which I did the same day and received the new one last week. On the 28th of Februrary 2023 I gave them my new passport and they said you'll receive the permit after you graduate later this year (June). My question is why did they change the time I receive it. The immigration office officer always compliments me and says what you're doing is good with studies and you have good prospects in Germany, are they stalling on something? Or is this process normal? My next question is, I asked the immigration office if I can get married with this permit (girlfriend back home not in Germany) in a year and a half to two years (my plan) the worker said yes it is possible yes but hard but don't worry come to me when you're married. I read it is not possible with the 25a, but they said it is? Is it or not i'm a bit confused. Thank you very much in advance.


asked Mar 1, 2023 in Legal advice by moejojo | 480 views

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Dear @moejojo,

A requirement to receive 25a is to either have attended a school for the past three years or to have received a qualification. I assume they are waiting for you to complete your studies and so fulfil this requirement.

You ask about the possiblitiy of getting married. I presume here your question is more about bringing your wife to Germany after getting married. With 25a it is possible but the rules around it are more strict than with other permits. It is only allowed for humanitarian reasons and is easier if you are married at the point of receiving your residence permit. For cases where a person receives a permit according to 25a and gets married afterwards, then it is at the discretion of the Ausländerbehörde as to whether they will grant family reunification for the spouse.



answered Mar 10, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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