Please I want to know if someone has completed a one year Pflegeassistentin Ausbildung,can I be granted my document and also for my family since there case has been closed in court or just me ??
asked Dec 19, 2022 in Legal advice by Moses90 | 778 views

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3 Answers

0 votes

Dear @Moses90,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I assume you want to know if you are able to receive a so-called "Ausbildungsduldung" with a one-year Ausbildung (vocational training) as nursing assistant?

As far as I know and as you can also read on "Handbook Germany" (information in several languages), the "Ausbildungsduldung" (3 + 2 regulation) is usually requiring a vocational training programme of minimum 2 years in order to be considered as "qualified vocational training". However, in case you have secured a spot in a qualified two-year-long training programme following your one-year of training, the immigration office may issue an "Ausbildungsduldung" already. Your family members (spouse and children) should receive a "Duldung" in the meantime.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions or if I got your situation/question wrong.

All the best,


PS: I saw that you opened a second thread with the same question. In order to keep a better overview and information in one place, I will close that one - I hope it's okay for you!

answered Dec 20, 2022 by Meike
0 votes
You didn't get my question.i mean am already doing the one year Ausbildung in pflege, after that am I qualified for a document with my family once am done
answered Dec 20, 2022 by Moses90
0 votes
Hi Moses,
Please bear in mind that a one year Ausbildung doesn't make you eligible for a residence permit.

Thank you.
answered Dec 20, 2022 by Great Man
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