This site mentions (link) that a Duldung holder can be granted a residence permit if the foreigner:

  • with a German or a recognized foreign university degree, has been in employment appropriate to the degree for two years without interruption.

I have a recognised foreign degree (ZAB certificate) and have been in employment related to my degree for the past 14 months.

I couldn’t find the above mentioned law in AufenthG 60a, b, c or d.

Can anyone point me to the appropriate page mentioning the above law?

asked Dec 15, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Nemo | 993 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Nemo,

Here is the paragraph of the Aufenthalsgesetz referred to in the original German:


And in English via online translation:


Paragraph 60 is about types of Duldung, not residence permits. The permit you can apply for after working two years is according to paragraph 19d.

Hope that helps,


answered Dec 16, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you! The link was very helpful.
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