l was a master degree student in Berlin. Due to some health related problems l had to prolong my study and parallel to this decision, l applied for residence permit extension. However, the extension of my residence permit had been rejected. l left Germany within the güven time voluntarily.l have completed my master degree online and now l got an offer for my PhD from Crotia and also Poland. Can l apply for study related residence permit in Crotia or Poland? Or does my previous residence permit rejection fully jeopardize my future applications? ls there any rule- like in Dublin Treaty -in the EU law which prevents second residence permit application if the previous had been already rejected in the EU Zone?  By the way l would like to state that l went to Germany with National Visa and l do not have any asylum claim-application anywhere in Europe. And l also do not have an entry ban or residence ban.
asked Nov 11, 2022 in Legal advice by Lilimes | 1,742 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Dear @Lilimes

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

I am not an expert on student residence permits, but I can not think of a reason why you shouldn’t be able to make a PhD in another EU country. As you also left Germany voluntarily (without i.e. being deported), you won’t have a re-entry ban to the EU/Schengen area either. 

As you mentioned correctly, the common asylum system in Europe is based on regulations like the Dublin law - but this doesn’t apply for study visa. 

To be sure, I will also link our expert dear @mbeon-Christine here. Maybe she can add some details or correct me if needed. 

In any case, please don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Nov 13, 2022 by Meike
0 votes
Dear Meike,

there is nothing to add - you're completely right.

Kind regards

answered Nov 14, 2022 by mbeon-Christine
Thank you for your quick response, dear Christine! :-)
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