I have live in germany for 4 years I have been giving paragraph 25 abs 5.for 18 months I have my B1 certificate and leben in Deutschland I have mini job I renew and they now give me 1 year same paragraph 25 abs 5 what should I do. Should I contact a lawyer
asked Oct 18, 2022 in Legal advice by Felixcitysnow | 319 views
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2 Answers

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Hi @Felixcitysnow,

It’s not clear why you would need to contact a lawyer. Is your question about the type of permit you got or the length of time? You would only receive a different type of permit if:

  1. Your situation changed, for example you were entitled to a permit as the spouse of a German person.
  2. You fulfil the requirements for permanent residency. This is generally only possible after 5 years of residency and if you are able to support yourself fully financially (i.e. not receiving any money from the Jobcenter).

The permit 25 Abs. 5 is issued first three times for a period of 6 months and after 18 months you can receive a longer permit, which has happened in your case. Here is the paragraph that covers length of time for residence permits:




answered Oct 26, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
0 votes

The permit 25 Abs. 5 is first given out three times for 6 months. After 18 months, you can get a longer permit, which is what happened to you.  mario games

answered May 20, 2023 by pinaforecast
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