I am facing setbacks in registering my online marriage(City of Utah in the USA) in Germany, i tried registering in the city where my wife lives(she lives in NRW), but i got a reply that the marriage certificate and Apostille wont be accepted unless proof of travel document to show we were present at the wedding location was provided (that was the reply from her standesamt).I still have a pending asylum application, i am waiting for a decision to be made and was told by the BAMF that i can take up the wedding issue with Immigration through a lawyer that i might stand a chance.I need advice from anyone who has an idea on the process of registering online marriage in Germany, and also i need a refferal to a lawyer that can handle my asylum case and the online marriage registeration side by side.

Thanks for your replies, this platform has been of great help to me.
asked Jul 8, 2022 in Legal advice by mufasa | 820 views
Hello, We're sorry you haven't received a response yet. Our community moderator @Julia_Wefugees will take care to consult our experts. We wish you all the best with kind regards Wefugees

Dear @mufasa, welcome back and thanks for keeping us updated on your current situation. I will link my dear colleagues and experts @Meike and @mbeon-SandraB here and hope, that they can help you with an answer. All the best, Julia

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1 Answer

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Hi @mufasa, The issue of recognition of a U.S. online marriage is complex. It has to do with how civil law in different countries is applied and recognised internationally. I have read an opinion that such marriages do not conflict with German law and are therefore to be seen as valid. Has the Standesamt given a final written decision on whether to recognise the marriage? It is important they provide the legal grounds of their decision if they refuse to recognise it. You could then take the issue further with a lawyer for family law (Familienrecht), ideally one who has experience in international family law. This is a separate legal area to immigration law (Ausländerrecht) and it may be difficult to find someone who has experience in both areas. Based on what you wrote, however, the more complicated aspect is the recognition of the marriage. If this is recognised, then as the spouse of a German citizen you have the right to a residence permit.
answered Jul 27, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna

Hi there! Could you please provide an update on whether you were able to legalize your online marriage? I am considering using a Utah online marriage for my partner and I, but it looks like getting it recognized by Germany might be tricky. What ended up happening in the past 6 months? Thank you! Zoe

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