
Has anyone done DNA test ( Vaterschaftsfeststellung) All documents to have the test was approved by Court. I saw in one post which said the man bought DNA test kit and they had the Test done in front of Jugendamt? Can l do the same or ?? Thank you.
asked Jun 14, 2022 in Legal advice by kathy | 716 views
Dear @kathy, thanks for reaching out to us again. I'm going to link our experts here: @mbeon-Ruth, @mbeon-Gabriele and @mbeon-Éanna. I hope they can help you with an answer. All the best, Julia
thank you l will be waiting
@kathy that is how me and my german gf did ours. We bought it from Apotheke and did the test in front of the lady at Jugendamt, she later forwarded it to lab ... its better u do it in their presence

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Hi @kathy, I do not have experience with such cases but from what I have read, the most important thing is that a neutral person is present when the test is done. This can be, for example, a doctor, public health official or worker at the Jugendamt. You need to be sure that any test you use will be recognised by the authorities. I advise you contact the local Jugendamt to ask how they do this procedure and also what costs are involved.. Here is some information from a company that provides such a service. However, note this is not a government institution but rather a company who provides this service for a fee: https://***.vaterschaftsanalyse.de/en/how-to-guide/witnessed-taking-of-samples/ Here is some additional information (via an online translation) about the legal background to such a procedure: https://***-fachanwalt-de.translate.goog/magazin/familienrecht/vaterschaftstest?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Let us know if you have any further questions. Kind regards, Éanna
answered Jun 20, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
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