Can I re-enter Germany as a visitor if I have a rejected for Asylum but I have Portugal Temporary Residency Card, Imigration take any action or what I do if I want to visit in germany, but I have not closed matter with Ausländerbehörde, it will be active or not
asked Mar 18, 2022 in Information & Offers by gurpreetsingh1987kkr | 546 views

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Hello and welcome back to the Wefugees community!

Non-EU citizens living in one of the Schengen countries can visit Germany for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days without any visa. Please see also the website of the German Foreign Office (https://***.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/visa-service/buergerservice/faq/28-visa---eu-laender/606744)for more information. I personally don’t think that the authorities would have a problem with your visit (only because your asylum application got rejected in the past), as you have a valid residence permit in Portugal. They didn’t deport you or didn’t officially issue a re-entry ban, right? I assume that you otherwise would have struggled to enter Portugal and obtain a residence permit there as well.

I hope this helps and please don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Mar 20, 2022 by Meike
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