I was a Persian language teacher and the editor of a magazine at a private high school in Kabul. I have been a Ph.D. student in Persian literature in Iran since 2020. I can not return to Afghanistan now because it is ruled by the Taliban.
Can I apply for asylum?
asked Dec 11, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by baqer moosavi | 520 views

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1 Answer

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Dear baqer moosavi, 

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

Are you asking, if you can apply for asylum in Germany? In Germany, every asylum application is assessed individuallay and reasons for seeking asylum are checked in-depth from case to case by the co-called BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees). Therefore, it is hardly possible to give a general answer here or to dare any predictions regarding chances to be granted asylum or the refugee status. The bigger problem from my perspevtive is, that embassies are currently unfortunately not offering humanitarian visas for the purpose of asylum seeking. Asylum applications are so far only accepted if you are in Germany already. You may want to see the "Handbook Germany" website for further information (also in Farsi and Paschto). 

I am sorry that I can not give you a more posititve answer. However, I will also link my dear colleague @mbeon-fardeen here. 

All the best, 


answered Dec 17, 2021 by Meike
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