Hi I'm Abdul from ghana... I was in asylum cas where my girlfriend was pregnant. And they rejected me tell me to go back to Italy I have Dublin. And I go and hid to my girlfriend Intel she give. We make the birth certificate for my son. And we call the bamf and send them all the information that they need to process my permission resident. After a 2 weeks a man call us from and say my Dublin is close. Now for me to have duldung or any kind or permission resident. Is the problem. Please Now I need help from you guys or lawyer to help me
asked Mar 24, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Abdul gary | 908 views

Dear Abdul gary, 

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your situation. 

I am sure, that one of our experts is happy to get back to you soon. Some more details of your case might be helpful to fully understand. 

Is your child German or an EU-citizen? And who exactly called you, saying that the Dublin case is closed? Looking forward to your response. 

All the best, 


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2 Answers

0 votes
Thanks for your answer dear Meike... my child is Germany child... a social from the bamf I seek asylum called us and say my Dublin cas is closed
answered Mar 24, 2020 by Abdul gary
0 votes

Hello dear Abdul Gary,

I have read your message and I have made thoughts about it.

You say, that you have received a call from BAMF. But my question is, if you have received any letter that confirmes the closing of your Dublin case? If yes, what did they write in this letter?

I would like to ask you not to answer my second question in the community, but contact me through the mbeon App. My name is Zsigó and you can find me in the app: Alzey, Herr Zsigó.

MBEon is a chat system special for migration advice and it is confidential. There you can talk with advisors, which speak maybe your native language. You can download and install the app for you cell phone (Android or IOS). Download links are:

IOS: https://apps.apple.***/de/app/mbeon-messengerberatung/id1408795643

Android: https://play.google.***/store/apps/details?id=de.zone35.mbeon

I wish you all the best.

Yours sincerelly


answered Mar 26, 2020 by mbe-on_Zsigó
mbeon App

Confidential one-on-one consultations via App

For confidential one-on-one consultations in a secure virtual space, we work with mbeon. You can download the mbeon app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store and have private conversations with mbeon consultants there:

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