I 2-year associate degree in software programming from Turkey graduate. I have been working professionally for 8 years. I have a chance to get a job offer from Germany, they offer approximately 60K euro per year. Can I work with a blue card without a bachelor's degree? Do you have experience on this subject? On the website of the university I graduated from, anabin.de, the degree of equivalence appears as h +. I am waiting for your information and advice.
asked Feb 27, 2020 in Work by sabloninsanlar | 2,455 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Hello @sabloninsanlar,

Thanks for sharing your interesting question with the wefugees community.

You already mentioned some of the prerequisites:

Applicants for the EU Blue Card need:

  • a German university degree or
  • a degree comparable to a German university degree or
  • an acknowledged foreign diploma
  • an annual gross income of 55.200 euros. A lower limit of 43.056 euros applies to occupations where there is a skills shortage (such as natural scientists, mathematicians, engineers, physicians, and highly qualified IT professions).

Anabin is a good source, but to sure whether your degree is equivalent to a German one, you should undergo the recognition process. You will find the form here: https://anabin.kmk.org/antragsformular.html?L=1

The fee is 200,- €.

I hope my answer was useful for you.

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Best regards


answered Feb 27, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
Hello, I checked it out from anabin. It seems to be h + for my university. When I check my department, it says in German "Zwar ist die Ausbildung formal im türkischen Hochschulbereich angesiedelt; inhaltlich liegt jedoch eher eine Ausbildung vor, die mit deutschen Berufsfachschulausbildungen vergleichbar ist." In the section it says "Der Abschlusstyp" Fachschule "wird nicht zur Kennzeichnung von Abschlüssen im deutschen Hochschulbereich, sondern ausschließlich als Zuordnungskategorie für ausländische Abschlüss dagegen nicht im Hochschulbereich angesiedelt ist.
Die Anführungszeichen sollen verdeutlichen, dass es sich nicht um "Fachschule" im Sinne des deutschen Schulrechts, als unterschieden von Berufsfachschule, Berufsschule, Berufsakademie etc., handelt, sondern um eine umfassende und übergreifie Abgren ". It also states that when I check the website of the immigration federation, if you don't have any diploma, you can still get a blue card if you have 5 years of experience. In German it is stated in the text "Die Erteilung der Blauen Karte EU gemäß Artikel 2 b und g der Richt-linie 2009/50 / EG setzt eine" hochqualifizierte Beschäftigung "voraus, die wiederum einen„ höheren beruflichen Bildungsabschlusies “erfordertiche ifik ford ford ford , die durch ein Hochschulabschlusszeugnis oder durch eine mindestens fünfjährige einschlägige Berufserfahrung, der Niveau mit einem Hochschulabschluss vergleichbar ist, nachgewiesen werden können. " The related link is https://***.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Forschung/Forschungsberichte/fb27-blaue-karte-eu.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=14
You can see the description on page 113. Do you think my situation changes in the light of this information?
0 votes
Hello @sabloninsanlar, the new ordinance on the employment of foreigners might help you - though I have to add that we are not allowed to provide legal advice and that we don't have any experience with it, because it is brand-new. § 4 of this ordinance (chapter "executive employees and specialists") implies that employees with a company-specific specialist knowledge will be allowed to work for that company, what entails a residence permit. In the light of these new regulations your application might be successful, even more due to the fact that you intend to work in an area with shortage of specialists. In case of rejection of your application you should nevertheless seek legal advice (f.e. from a solicitor for labour law, "Arbeitsrecht"). Best regards mbeon-Christine
answered Feb 28, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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