After 6 years of my Asylum proceedings, its ended Janaury 2020 and i was giving Duldulng for 3 months. My children have 3 years resident permit with Blue passport, i have my passport and my working contract with the Auslanderbeholde. they said they can not deport me that is why they gave me Duldung. Right now what is my chances as i am in my 7th years in Germany by December 2020
asked Jan 16, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Gago | 1,068 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @Gago,

thank you for contacting the wefugees community!

My first idea, without knowing your case any better, is section 25b of the German residence Act.

"Section 25b

Granting of residence in the case of lasting integration

(1) By way of derogation from Section 5 (1) no. 1 and (2), a foreigner whose deportation has been suspended should be granted a temporary residence permit if he has become Service provided by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protectionand the Federal Office of Justice ‒ ***.gesetze-im-internet.dePage 44of 144lastingly integrated into the way of life in the Federal Republic of Germany. This shall generally presuppose that the foreigner 1.has resided in the federal territory for at least eight years or, in the event that he is living with a minor, unmarried child as a family unit, for at least six years without interruption by virtue of his deportation having been suspended, on the basis of permission to remain pending the asylum decision or by holding a temporary residence or permanent settlement permit, (...)"   THERE ARE MANY MORE REQUIREMENTS!

(for all the requirements see this link:


You can check (with the help of a refugee advisor or a lawyer), if you meet all the requirements of this paragraph and then apply at the Ausländerbehörde for a residence permit. I suggest you make an appointment with a local advisor (of Red Cross, Caritas or who is nearest to where you live). He or she can help you find out what kind of residence permit you can get.

An Alternative is to download the "mbeon"-App and we'll discuss your case in detail via this app( It is free of charge and confidential). You'll find me (a red-cross-refugee counselor located in NRW) if you search for "Euskirchen".

I hope I could answer your question.

Kind regards,


answered Jan 17, 2020 by mbeon-Ruth
0 votes
The Authourity have never interrupted me for deportation, they have never ask me to leave, they have never ask me for my passport or whatsover.  I'm the one who gave them my passport.  I have been working since 2018 November and still working. My children lives under me and my Son is 6 years old and my daughter is going to be 4 years old by April. My family have the full Asylum positive since 2017. They will make a renewed of thier residents by June  2020. I have signed the Vaterschaft and soggereicht for  both kids since 2015 and 2016. I have been living here since 2013 December.

This integrations Laws does the Auslanderbehorde have power to stop it? Does it also applies that they have right to reject it. I live in Bayern so I have to know. Now I have 3 months Family Duldung.  I will make my A2 in few months. Please explain further and thank you for your information
answered Jan 20, 2020 by Gago
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