When a Duldung is not automatically issued following a rejected asylum application, is it possible to apply for a Duldung and if so on what grounds will the auslanderbehörden issue the Duldung?
asked Dec 28, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by AlexCabCerv | 1,008 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Dear @AlexCabCerv, thank you for contacting the wefugees community! You will get a Duldung automatically by the Ausländerbehörde. Duldung means, you are obligated to leave Germany ("ausreisepflichtig") but cannot be deported at the moment (mostly because of lacking documents). The Ausländerbehörde will contact you soon about a new residence paper. You probably still have the "Aufenthaltsgestattung", but they will change it to a "Duldung" soon (latest when the actual paper expires). I hope I could answer your question, if not or if there are any other questions, please feel free to ask. Kind regards, Ruth
answered Jan 4, 2020 by mbeon-Ruth
Hi Ruth. Thanks for your response. I was actually not issued a Duldung because all of my documents (passport and ID from my country) are with the Ausländerbehorde. To clarify are you aware of someone can apply for a Duldung when one is not given automatically?
Hi @AlexCabCerv, you can "apply" for a Duldung by contacting the Ausländerbehörde. Just go there and ask, what kind of paper you're supposed to hold now that the Aufenthaltsgestattung is no longer valid. Regards, Ruth
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