Hello I'm asylum seeker in Germany and my asylum is rejected before I get my papers in my country to marry my girlfriend and now she is pregnant and we made vaterschaft in case they wanted to deport me but I don't know after making this vaterschaft can this deportation stop thanks.
asked Oct 26, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Muhammad khalid | 1,024 views
Dear Muhammad,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community!

Could you maybe give us a little bit more information about your case, for example if your girlfriend is german or if she has a residence permit in Germany? How far along is your girlfriend with her pregnancy and have you already been at the "Standesamt" for your marriage or do you maybe already have a date for your wedding day?

All the best


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Thanks for reply yes she is German and the pregnancy is 5 month we were in jugendamt we got that paper vaterschaft and sorgrecht 50/50 but idk if still I'm safe we have never been to stadensamt coz still I'm waiting for my papers in Iraq to come
answered Oct 28, 2019 by Muhammad khalid
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