1, what is the Duldung Beschäftigung??

2, I’m Aufenthaltsgestatung  holder so can I apply for the Duldung Beschäftigung next Year January or when can I apply? Because I’m still in the Asylum proceedings even though I have negative 

asked Aug 16, 2019 in Work by hafiz123 | 1,700 views
If you apply for asylum after August 1st 2018, you don't have a chance for Beschaftigung Duldung.
I applied for asylum on 4th May 2018

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2 Answers

0 votes
Then if you have a permanent job, been working full time job for the last 18 months, you have your apartment, no criminal record, never gave false identify, you have minimum A2 German certificate,then you have a chance of getting Beschaftigung duldung for 30 months. But according to the law, your asylum proceedings must have ended with a negative decision and you must have been tolerated for 12 months(Abschebung Duldung) . After 12 months toleration if you are still working and they are not able to deport you,  then you can apply for Beschaftigung Duldung.
answered Aug 18, 2019 by Donmorris
No I think you are wrong in that, you are only to use Duldung for 18 months says by some lawyer's either Duldung or Aufenthaltgestatung.  But you must be working without help from the Government and provides your country passports.  No crime that exceeds more than 85 days then you can apply
OK. What about people who stopped working and went into hiding for 9 months  because they couldn't withstand the deportation threats? And these people have all the requirements,  can these people come back by January to apply?
Thank you @Donmorris for your answer! You guys may also want to check the following thread (https://***.wefugees.de/805440/working-as-a-rejected-asylum-seeker), in which we also discussed the "Beschäftigungsduldung". All the best, Meike
0 votes
I'm 10 years in germany I came as Au pair then after Au pair year I did fsj for 18 months after that I applied for ausbildung I did first year I past well I have altenpflegerhelfer urkunde then I continued with ausbildung wanted to be fachkraft I messed up with my müdliche prüfung 2 times that was 2016 from 2017 January I became Arbeit loss without getting any help from social or jobcentre I was on my own I was given finktionsbescheinigung as from 2017 till 2019 August 19 where they collected it from me and gave me duldung now I. Worried because I don't know what they want with me and my 8 months baby please help me with ideas
answered Aug 23, 2019 by Lilly
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