Hello Guys,
I think i am going to discuss the most important information for students on this platform, NEED A LEGAL ADVISE:)
I am a student from Asian country and i am still in germany for last 2 years. Also doing a parttime job during studies.
Now i am going to marry with that girl who have no EU passport but we are belong to same country. She have a refugee status and her parents also have a same status. But they live in germany for the last 8 years, Girl is also doing a Job.
Now i want to know about the whole process that,
How can i Marry with her?
What the process is?
What is the most difficulties i will face?
Whic documents we need?
How easy or diffcult this process are?

asked Jun 10, 2019 in Legal advice by Razaali | 337 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Dear Razaali,

Welcome to the Wefugee Community!

In general, rules and regulations applying for a marriage in your country of origin will be important for your marriage in Germany also. The German authorities want to be sure, that your marriage will be recognised in your country of origin as well.

One essential document will be the so-called "certificate of no impediment", which both of you will need to provide.

The first step would be to contact your local "Standesamt" in order to register the marriage. They will provide you any further information, i.e. which additional documents they require in your individual case.

I hope my answer was useful for you.

All the best for you and the marriage!

Kind regards,

answered Jun 21, 2019 by Meike
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