Good morning ,first I will say thank you for the wonderful forum , please my question is that ..my family was granted deportation ban what's my chance ? Since is not international protection . My second question is , after the interview of my new born baby (that was born in Germany )a confirmation paper was print out and give to my wife immediately after the interview ..which state that the child is awarded international protection ..does that mean she is given 3 years permit ? ..because we didn't receive anything from bamf again aside from the print out paper . last question ..I was given inadmissible which I already appeal by my lawyer ..still got sleepiness night on that because I don't want to be separated from my family again ..I have Italian document which was lost on my way to Germany but because of this new immigration  law in Germany  ..I was thinking to cancel my asylum and go for my Italian document and get a job contract in Germany (that's if possible ) or I should benefit from my kids resident permit ..I already make vertershaft and sogeret for my kids ..please advice me ..I don't want to make a mistake again ..because I did in first ..when I apply for asylum again in Germany .

I will be waiting for your response ..thank you
asked Jan 7, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Easytemmy | 887 views

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Dear @Easytemmy

Welcome to the Wefugees community and my apologies for the longer waiting time!

  1. First of all, I'm a little confused about the legal status you have. Your child was granted international protection, and your wife a national ban on deportation, is that correct? And you received a rejection, but appealed the decision? If your wife received a national ban on deportation, she was issued a residence permit for at least one year. Here is more information by the BAMF: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Fluechtlingsschutz/AblaufAsylv/Schutzformen/AbschiebungsV/abschiebungsverbot-node.html
  2. Since you mention that you have a lawyer, it is essential you discuss your case with him and take his advice - he knows all the details of your case and is therefore able to help you out more than we are.
  3. That said, your lawyer can advise you on your options regarding staying with your family. I would recommend to not cancel your asylum, as there are options to receive the same protection as your child in Germany. Read about residence permits for parents of foreign children who have been granted a residence title here: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/305289/en/
I hope this information helps. As I already mentioned, your lawyer has more information about your case at hand, so please check with him about your options. 
Feel free to reach out to us again if you need any further assistance!
Kind regards,

answered Jan 14, 2019 by Isa
Thanks for getting back to me and God bless you ..I will see my lawyer
Dear @Easytemmy, I'm glad I could help! Best, Isa
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