I claimed asylum in Italy. Now I am going to marry a German citizen who lives in Italy. can someone please tell me what would be my Immigration status in Italy
asked Dec 6, 2018 in Legal advice by Udeni | 1,727 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
hello dear, well my answer to your question is, you gain your status in Italy not in Germany right, secondly if you get marriage to your wife or girlfriend as you said so, am sure you have right to apply for permit in Germany if your wife is a German woman.  

in this your status in Italy will be same as your wife is a German not an Italian.
answered Dec 8, 2018 by seedy
+1 vote

Dear @Udeni

Thank your for sharing your question with the community, and thank you @seedy for your reply! 

We have had a few similar questions on the platform before, it might help to read through the answers given on the threads: 

https://***.wefugees.de/102425/italian-asylum-seeker-get-married-with-german-fianc%C3%A9-italy https://***.wefugees.de/102357/can-asylum-seeker-get-married-in-italy?show=102357#q102357 

Or this website: https://***.justlanded.***/english/Italy/Articles/Visas-Permits/Marriage-Divorce-in-Italy 

But in general, these three links are interesting if you want to have a **** at which steps you need to take in order to get married in Italy. 

As for your question how the marriage affects your legal status - this link can help: https://***.justlanded.***/english/Germany/Germany-Guide/Visas-Permits/Family-friends 

There is a German version that provides a more detailed answer, so maybe you can use a translation program for the paragraph about "residence rights after getting married" / 2. Aufenthalt nach Eheschließung https://***.justlanded.***/deutsch/Deutschland/Artikel/Visa-Papiere/Ehefragen 

I hope that the information I shared here with you helps to understand the marriage process in Italy and the following rights within the German system a bit better. Please do reach out again if you need any further assistance! 

All the best, 


answered Dec 12, 2018 by Isa
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