I am having 3 years Residence permit by BAMF , and now I have been admitted to M.a Governance and human rights in leuphana University which is part time study , I wanted to transfer myself from weilheim to Lüneburg but it needs a permission ,which seems difficult to get. I also find jobs there but at first they need me to be register there ?
How it works actually ,guide me thanks
asked Dec 4, 2018 in Home & Living by Asad Baloch | 714 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Asad Baloch,

Thank you for your question and for reaching out to the community.

I have found a few threads on our platform that have discussed similar questions, have a **** here: https://***.wefugees.de/800781/refugee-bayern-residence-change-jobcenter-tranfer-another


I hope the answers provided there help you out! Nevertheless, feel free to reach out to us again if you need further assistance.

All the best,

answered Dec 11, 2018 by Isa
I have got 3 years status on December 2017 , though I have also find jobs in lüneburg but without anmeldung I can't do job there.
I have been to Auslanderbehörde in weilheim ,they told me that we have send a request to lüneburg when they give positive answer so that I can live in lüneburg.

Question : without lüneburg ,s approval or permission can I register myself in lüneburg or should I wait for the answer by the city ?
Dear @Asad Baloch,

In your case, Weilheim is in the federal state of Bavaria, and Lüneburg is in Lower Saxony. Because of the "Wohnsitzauflage", it is necessary to go to Ausländerbehörde, like you did, and explain that you have been accepted for your Master's studies in Lüneburg and therefore want to move. They will have to delete the so called "Wohnsitzauflage".

If they said they have sent a request to Lüneburg, definitely wait for the answer to avoid any form of trouble with the authorities/ Behörden (there are penalties that could affect you if you leave Bavaria!). However, make sure you remind them if it has been a while already, because studying is a sufficient reason why they have to delete the Wohnsitzauflage.

In case you would like some more support in your area, feel free to contact Caritas in Weilheim (contact info is on the left of the page): ****://***.caritas-wm-sog.de/ich-brauche-hilfe/asyl-und-fluechtlingsberatung.html

Good luck with everything,
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