my name is benjamin ive been living in germany since 2014 october.and working since 2016 and live in my own house.. i just received my last rejection today from the court ..den antrag auf zulassung der berufung ist abgelehnt.what would happen??
asked Dec 1, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Ben7 | 1,059 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Ben7, Thank your for sharing your situation with us and coming back to the community! As for your question, I've had a **** at the first question you asked us in October to get a better understanding of your case (https://***.wefugees.de/802335/into-ausbildung-after-having-second-rejection-asylum-claim). Since this is a tricky situation, I will link our expert in asylum proceedings @Nilab, who will get back to you soon with legal advice. All the best, Isa
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Isa
thank you for your response. really i need help because its urgent
Dear @Ben7, well in this case you have one more option to do a Folgeantrag, a so called second asylum application. For this you go to the BAMF and tell them you want to do a Folgeantrag. But make sure that this time you get legal assistance in order to get the case straight at the BAMF. I hope we could assist you, if you need further guidance please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Best regards, Nilab
thanks for your reply am greatful
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