Does not paying for train and your name in Schufa stop them from issuing a residents permit for you after being fingerprinted buy authorities?
asked Nov 28, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Ali112 | 1,068 views

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3 Answers

0 votes
R u in berlin?
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Hopeless
No am in Vreden and my name is in inkasso
0 votes
Dear @Ali112, thank you for addressing your situation with us in the community . If you have been caught without ticket once and payed your fine/ paying your fine it not a big deal but if you have been caught 3 times then it is a criminal act and you could face court charges. Make sure you pay your Inkasso fine as well as they can come up with a Vollstreckungsbescheid( this involves the court as well). The Schufa( if there are minor things) does not stop them to issue your residence permit papers but if the acts become a court decision then they will have it in your file as negative point that might influence their decision. However it is not the case if you have been caught once and have a negative Schufa because of that. I hope this can help you, if you need more specific informations please do not hesitate to address your questions here in the community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 29, 2018 by Nilab
0 votes
I have be cut three times and have other bills we that stop them from issuing the card or they we delay it please let me know and they how we i know if the case have gone to court?
answered Nov 29, 2018 by Ali112
Dear @Ali112, ok in this case please call the Inkasso and ask them whether the case has been disputed at the court. Another waywould be to go to the Amtsgericht ask there if there has been a case against you. The authorities will not stop issuing the ID but they will ask you why the incidents happened and what are you doing to pay the bills off. The most important part is to communicate with the officials and not ignore letters. Best regards, Nilab
Hi Nilab
I have a question
I got only once as schwarzfahren because I had forgot my pocket money with everything.
then the controller took my data and gave me the fine which I payed directly next day in the office.

then after a week I got a letter from the police as I did not pay, However I called them and they were so helpful and told me to sent the receipt that I payed the fine and they will close the case.

after a while I had a letter from the city attorny that I had no case.
So do you think that would cause any problems in the future
How to fix it if possible and If I wanted to renew my residence permit after 2 years would they reject if I moved to another city
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