Hello People,

I am writing to ask some advice regarding my asylum that I came to Germany with my wife and sister in July, 2016. After, one month my sister & myself had been interviews by the BAMF and then December, 2016 they interviewed my wife.

In December BAMF granted asylum status to my sister and since then we both are waiting for the decision. So, it’s about 2 years and over that we have been waiting. I have a 6 Months duaghter now she is born in Germany and her asylum application has been filed as well couple of months ago but I do not know what is wrong with the BAMF? What went wrong with the BAMF after granting my sister that they went quite over us.

I have asked our solicitor regarding this delay but she always said they’re busy and it’s good for my case and it’s been delaying. I mean seariusly !!!!  

Many people came after us and have been granted. Some people had been rejected and then went to the Court and then had been given. But with us we have been waiting and waiting.

Please can someone provide useful help about this?
asked Oct 10, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Roger123 | 815 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Roger123, thank yiou for sharing your situation with us in the community. As for the situation: Its not unsual that your sister as a woman(alone) was granted early a status. However, its really unusual that it takes 2 years in particular now that the BAMF is under pressure to handle the cases timely. You could go to the BAMF and make an inquiry. If that does not work you can ask with a written request for the status of your case. I hope I could give you some guidance, if you need further information please do not hesitate to use the platform. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 11, 2018 by Nilab
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