hallo Good Day Dear Portal i have one question I need help that I was working In a firm and on 23 of September I have resigned from there and they have taken signature from me on a paper for the resignation usually salary comes on the end of the month but still they did not deposited my amount of the days I worked there for the last month and now I have emailed them also about this issue but they did not replied me yet so please suggest what shall I do i am a bit worried would be glad on your replies thanks
asked Oct 2, 2018 in Work by Waqarvicky | 1,033 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Waqarvicky

thank you for sharing your situation with us. 

As it is only 02.10.2018 and you have resigned on the 23rd of September 2018. I would suggest that you call them or maybe go to their office in order to get an answer, when they will deposit your salary. 

If they still do not communicate or transfer the money, they owe you, you can send them a "Mahnung" and give them a warning that if they do not transfer the money within a given time, they are in breach of the contract they had with you and that in such a case you will be forced to take further steps. 

However, I would first try to get hold of them and find out why there is the delay before using the formal and legal way. 

I we could help you, if you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 2, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you so much tomorrow is off day and i will call them on Thursday I hope that they will give a positive answer on phone if they won’t then I will let you know with all conversations regarding them thanks again will definitely let you know on Thursday
Dear @Waqarvicky, your welcome, great looking forward to the informations and good luck. Best regards, Nilab
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