Hallo i need help i abschiebungsverbot come with one year respectn55@gmail.*** permit and i have fine print dey ask me to wait for 6weeks that was on feb this year and since them i waited and dont come but dey say my lawyer take them to court for à better right my question is can you lots your current status by appeal and if everyday is ok after the court we dey still give you back your status?
asked Sep 24, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Ali112 | 862 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @Ali112

thank you for waiting and I am sorry we could not get bcak to you any sooner, but I was on sick-leave therefore could not respond timely. 

As for your question: 

1. It is not unsual that one has to wait 2-3 months, but 6 months is quite a long time. You might wanna address the foreign office either in person or as you have lawyer through a lawyer, giving them a deadline. 

2. If you have filed an appeal- you do not loose the Aufenthaltstitel you have been granted- however during the process of appeal certain rights that come with granted Status might be delayed/hold back. If you have gone in appeal that could be a reason why you have not received anything since 02/2018. 

I hope I could address your questions and if there any further questions please do not hesitate to use our platform and contribute to the community. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 3, 2018 by Nilab
Thanks so much so if dey do not give you à better right dey we have to give u back the one you already give you back?
Hello @Ali112, exactly. Best regards, Nilab
0 votes
Hi thanks for the question the group will fine an answer for you soon. Just that some of our experts like@thor @WKZB are busy for now Best regards Nelly
answered Sep 25, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Waited for my answer or u dont know the answer?
please how long do i have to wait for the court appeal ?and i hope dey we give me back my ban of deportation after fingerprinting me?do dey have the right bot to give you back?please i need first answer send my massenge please
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