Dear Moderator,

I am an asylum seeker in Germany for almost 8 years with 6 years duldung status. I have been threatening to be deported having sent to my Embassy for 4 times without success, despite the fact that I am sick.

I have been denied treatment for my      Bandscheibenvorfall for almost 6 years and my HausArzt was instructed to give me ONLY Medikamen to reduce the severe pains. Having gotten necessary specialists' reports from Neurologist plus MRT, Orthopadie Reports and a lot of Medical Reports from my HausArzt.

I have passed the B1 German Language Course, Einbürgungstest and have already declared my I.D to the Foreign Office.

I hereby request for your advice on what next to do to be able to receive a better treatment for my illness and to normality my stay in Germany to avoid being threatened of deportation again.

Best Regards,

asked Sep 4, 2018 in Legal advice by Progress84 | 4,171 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Dear Progress84,

Thank you for your question. In your case I would suggest you go to lawyer, as you have to have first a residence permit before applying for Einbürgerung etc. . If you could tell me which City you are in, I could See if there are free legal consultations available and give you the details.

I hope that was of a small help.

Best regards,
answered Sep 4, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you a lot, Mr. Nilab for your quick response and good advice..I have contacted a lawyer now.
Hello Progress84,

my pleasure if you need more guidance just address the question and we will try our best.

Best of Luck!

Best regards,
Having studied my Asylum case's situations as I narrated it above . Am I not entitled to be granted an Asylum protection either under Section 25b or Section 25.5  on humanitarian condition ? Please, enlighten me more on those two sections of the law. Thank you.
0 votes
Dear @Progress84, thank you for sharing your extended question with us. In order to obtain the status under § 25b AufenthG you will have to comply with the following requirements: - have been leaving a minimum of 8 years with a Duldung - have complied with the rule of law in Germany - be able to speak a certain level of German - have been working for the most of time and depending on social security through the state( however, short periods of dependancies are not looked upon as excluding factor) https://dejure.org/gesetze/AufenthG/25b.html I hope I could address your question and if there anything else we could assist you with please do not hesitate to share it with us in the community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 2, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you Mr Nilab for your nice response and vital references. I have checked the section 25b very well and observed that I could be qualified for such in less than 3 months ( now live 7 yrs and  9 months in Germany with 6 yrs of Duldung ) and have met all other requirements stated there in. Over to my former question on Section 25.5  ?  You have forgotten to say another about that . Hopeful to read from you soon. Once again, I appreciate your care.
Dear @Progress84, your welcome. As for §25 Abs. 5: It states that a foreigner should be granted the Aufenthaltserlaubnis if he has been under the obligation of "Ausreisepflichtig" for at least 18 months nad could not be deported due to reason he/she is not responsible for and in addition that the reasons that prevent from deportation will be not eliminated in the near future. https://dejure.org/gesetze/AufenthG/25.html I hope that is sufficient, if you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Nilab
@ Nilab.. Thank you very much for being there always. Your response are so useful. I knew the difference between those two Sections of the Law now.
0 votes

How long does it take to get letter of deportation on ban from the court . I applied on the basis of illness and curious to know how long does it will takes


answered Dec 10, 2018 by Sam Sam
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