I am a refugee in Germany with Duldung status, can I get exemption from deportation and receive permanent residency if I marry a girl who has Danish passport? or what's the law? and what's good news for me?

Thanks for your cooperation
asked May 18, 2018 in Legal advice by sabbirnbd | 1,032 views

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Hello @sabbirnbd

Nice to hear from you again.

Yes, you are entitled to get a residence permit (issued by the Danish authorities) to live with your wife after you got married to her. It enables you to live and work within EU.

If you want to learn more about bi-national marriage in Germany, feel free to check out this article on the Wefugees blog (scroll down for the English version):


If you want to marry in Denmark, it's probably best to get in touch with Danish authorities (e.g. registry office) to find out about the details.

Best regards,


answered May 22, 2018 by Thor
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